Navigating the AI Revolution in Business

Empower your organization with tailored AI strategies from seasoned experts. In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, digital transformation is no longer optional—it’s imperative. Things are moving too fast for training – you need support from real people giving you real-world solutions.

With Treefrog Coaching, we’ll work with your senior team through a radical rethinking of how organizations use technology, people, and processes to fundamentally improve business performance.

With Treefrog Consulting, we’ll navigate your team on your behalf to identify opportunities and deliver a playbook of activities that you can do to ensure your organization isn’t left behind in the AI race.

About Us

Our team of talented coaches have a decade of experience with traditional AI systems and modern LLM platforms (like ChatGPT and Claude), as well as the various products stemming from them. We have successfully implemented and trained many dozens of organizations in the effective use of AI tools relevant to their businesses. As key architects behind the digital transformation at Treefrog Inc., we have interacted with hundreds of companies, ranging from a few million to billions in revenue.

With our extensive expertise and experience in speaking to large groups and coaching individuals on these technologies, we are uniquely suited to help organizations succeed with everyday AI tools. While we have other commitments, the demand for our support in the absence of similar solutions has led us to establish this service specifically to answer your questions and guide you through the AI landscape.

Our team brings together three industry leaders with diverse expertise:

Sean Stephens
C-Suite Coach

Sean Stephens has been working with CEOs for over 30 years, gaining extensive experience with every imaginable CEO style through his involvement in various peer CEO groups. His deep understanding of executive leadership dynamics allows him to effectively guide organizations in leveraging AI to drive success. Sean excels in embedding AI throughout entire organizations, ensuring a seamless integration that enhances overall performance and innovation.

6 Months of AI Coaching

C-Suite AI Integration
Example Coaching Outcomes;
• Create a book outline and draft chapters using ChatGPT in one session
• Design a website to promote your book and set up an Amazon author page
• Develop an AI-powered strategic planning tool for decision-making
• Create personalized AI assistants for daily executive tasks
• Generate data-driven investor presentations using AI tools
• Implement an AI-driven competitive analysis system
• Design an AI ethics framework for your organization
• Create AI-powered dashboards for real-time business performance monitoring
• Develop an AI strategy for mergers and acquisitions
• Implement AI-driven risk assessment and management tools

Liz Oke
Sales & Marketing Coach

Liz Oke is a seasoned sales and marketing expert who has successfully implemented AI strategies across numerous organizations. With a wealth of experience as a specialist strategist, Liz has crafted hundreds of strategies for companies globally. Her deep knowledge and practical experience make her uniquely suited to help you harness the power of AI in your sales and marketing efforts, driving growth and achieving remarkable results – focused on but not limited to sales and marketing.

6 Months of AI Coaching

Marketing and Sales AI Enablement
Example Coaching Outcomes;
• Create a comprehensive marketing strategy framework using AI tools
• Develop AI-powered customer segmentation and personalization strategies
• Design and implement an AI chatbot for customer service and lead generation
• Create data-driven content calendars and topic clusters using AI
• Implement AI-powered social media management and analytics tools
• Develop predictive sales forecasting models using machine learning
• Create personalized email marketing campaigns using AI
• Implement AI-driven SEO strategies and content optimization
• Design AI-powered lead scoring and qualification systems
• Create dynamic pricing strategies using AI and market data

Sarah Bossuyt
HR, Talent & Culture Coach

As a fearless Head of Talent, Sarah has worked with a wide range of organizations. With a unique understanding of AI in the HR space, she expertly navigates the legal implications, bias concerns, and more. If you’re looking to better understand how to integrate AI into your HR processes and improve your business, look no further than Sarah. Her expertise ensures that your organization can harness AI responsibly and effectively in the human resources domain.

6 Months of AI Coaching

HR, Talent, and Culture AI Adoption Example Coaching Outcomes;
• Implement an AI-powered applicant tracking and resume screening system
• Develop AI-driven employee engagement surveys and analysis tools
• Create personalized AI-powered learning and development programs
• Implement AI-assisted performance management and feedback systems
• Develop predictive models for employee retention and churn
• Create AI-powered workforce planning and scheduling tools
• Implement AI-driven diversity and inclusion initiatives
• Develop AI-assisted employee wellness and mental health programs
• Create AI-powered onboarding and knowledge management systems
• Implement AI-driven compensation and benefits analysis tools

Our Coaching Services and Solutions

Work with us one-on-one as a coach. We will start with weekly calls, initially scheduling five to get you up and running with AI. These five initial coaching sessions will quickly bring you up to speed on what we do and how AI can benefit you. Each session will be hands-on, working with tools tailored to your specific needs, helping you accomplish your goals and move your life forward with the power of AI.

One-on-One Coaching

Work with one or all of us on a weekly basis via Zoom to be coached how to use AI in your daily life as a professional. We’ll make you the expert.


We don’t give you a fish: we teach you to fish. We’ll walk through technologies with you to ensure you avoid the pitfalls and make experienced recommendations.

At Your Pace

Benefit from personalized coaching strategies designed to meet your unique AI implementation goals.

Our Consulting Services and Solutions

Alternatively, use our team on a consultation basis to interview your clients and/or team and collaborate with our developers to develop custom systems, playbooks, or strategies tailored to your needs. If you don’t have time for coaching but still want AI integrated into your organization, hire our consultants, and we’ll get it done efficiently and effectively.

Personalized Playbooks

Our unique selling proposition lies in our ability to deliver customized AI coaching that results in a personalized playbook and private GPT for each client, ensuring long-term value and applicability.

Private GPTs

We will provide you with a GPT tailored to your specific needs and challenges that can be referred to you anytime after the sessions are completed.

Customized Strategies

We craft bespoke AI strategies tailored to your unique business needs, ensuring seamless integration and maximum impact. Our custom solutions are designed to drive efficiency, innovation, and long-term success.

The Treefrog Way

We embody the remarkable qualities of our namesake:
Adaptability: Like treefrogs that change color to blend with their environment, we help your business adapt seamlessly to the evolving AI landscape.
Agility: Treefrogs are known for their impressive leaps. We enable your organization to make similarly agile jumps in AI adoption and implementation.
Keen Senses: Treefrogs have excellent vision and hearing. We bring this level of perceptiveness to your business, helping you see and hear the opportunities and challenges in the AI realm.
Grip: Treefrogs can stick to almost any surface. We ensure your AI strategies have the same staying power, adhering to your business goals and culture.
Diverse Habitat: Treefrogs thrive in various environments. We prepare your business to flourish across diverse technological and market landscapes.

Embrace our way for navigating AI’s complex ecosystem with grace, precision, & effectiveness.

What You Get

We offer personalized coaching packages designed to address the unique challenges your organization faces in adopting AI:

Our Approach

Needs Assessment: Interactive workshops focused on your specific needs
Implementation: Designing your AI stack and partnering with the right solutions
Education: Change management and leveling the playing field

Consulting Benefits

Recorded and transcribed sessions
An AI playbook as a result of the sessions
Custom GPT that allows you to quickly reference 
Potential for extended implementation projects

Start Your AI Transformation

Contact us today to explore how our personalized AI coaching services can drive your organization’s success.

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